A riddle wrapped in an enigma.

There's a throbbing ache in my head and in my heart. If I have described before that The Virgin Suicides is tragically beautiful, Norwegian Wood too is in that same wave of intensity. I feel so detached from reality. I can't focus on anything. I have been spacing out way too much after I read this book.

The story is just too beautiful and depressing. The sadness that I am feeling is too overwhelming to the point that I can't shed a tear. I never got teary-eyed. I was too sad, too melancholic. I have never felt anything this intense before. I feel like a hole had just formed in my heart.

I am watching the movie right now but I keep on pausing it. I can't take all the emotions that I am feeling. I need to get out of the house. I need a breath of fresh air. If not, I might lose my mind. I feel like I am having a mental breakdown. Too much, too much.

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