Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hold on.

I did everything I could to fight off from being pulled into the dark side. I easily get swayed at the promise of cookies. ;) Kidding aside, I did one of the most sensible things I always do every time I get so slumped from misery.. go for a run.
This has been my saving grace whenever I feel like sulking in a corner and drowning myself in my own tears. I also read up on some inspirational quotes from one of my favorite bloggers, Ina of Callherhollywood. I always feel enlightened and happy whenever I visit her blog.

I also continued reading The Purpose Driven Life and Living Water. I have strayed way too far from God that I need Him to start pulling me back under his wings. I can't go on being miserable when it's the dog days. I've waited all year for this season to come. I hope I stay positive and continue trusting God.

I'd want to share a quote that definitely hit home when I read it..

"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself." -Lucille Ball

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