In My Skin: A Memoir by Kate Holden

One of the most heartbreaking stories I have read this year. A self confessed heroin addict who turned to prostitution to fund her obsession. Kate Holden is one of the bravest woman I know who has managed to bring out the skeletons from her closet for the whole world to see. Not to be made a mockery of but to give hope to other recovering addicts.

I can't help but feel great sympathy for Holden. Banking on honesty, Holden has managed to give me an idea of what (sort of) goes on inside a struggling heroin addict's head. There's always that possibility of leaving it all behind and begin a clean life. It takes a colossal effort from the addict himself. No matter how much love and support the family and friends shower the person, nothing will happen if he himself is not willing to change.

I love the way this was written. It's not pretentious or trying hard. An absolute must read! Food for the heart, soul, and mind. You can't help but cheer on Holden as she finds her way through the darkness heroin has brought to her path.

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