My heart is yours.

It's 2:30am and here I am.. wide awake. I can't sleep. I'm terrified of going to sleep. My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour.. such an unusual thing at this time of the day. So, I would want to take this time to reflect on all that's been happening to me lately.

I would want to thank God for blessing me with more than what I deserve. I feel so ashamed because I feel so unworthy of all these gifts. Even though I feel like I am drowning with all this madness, there are still some things in my life which are staying afloat. Thank you so much Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful family. My family may not be perfect but it's the closest thing there is to one. I know there aren't any perfect families out there.. but the point is, I am thanking God for this priceless gift.

Thank you for all my wonderful, wonderful friends. Friends who have stuck with me through the years and new friends who keep me company while my old friends aren't within reach.

Lord, I do hope that when I get back from Manila, I'll be able to pull through everything and survive. Lord, I can't do this without you. I need your help. Please. I beg you. Save my soul.

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