Sunday, October 7, 2012

You only keep the lights off.

My family and I went out to dinner. We're all feeling a bit Japanese-y that we grabbed our fill of Japanese food at Teriyaki Boy. On our way to the resto, I bumped into my beloved friend Pearly (Hay gurl, hay!!!). Missed you loads. :( Hang out soon?

Anyway, highway...

The colors are too saturated. Meh. It looked better when viewed in my mom's phone.

Nadine and I.

Finally got to try their Kani Salad! Super refreshing. 

Ordered two platters of California Maki.. and it still wasn't enough! Lol

We then capped off the night at Sbuxx with some frapps, coffee, and San Pellegrino. Family, we need more dinner dates like this!!! Hihi

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