Monday, June 10, 2013

Leibster Blog Award

Christine! Thank you for tagging me! Finally got something to do over the weekend. Guys, visit her lovely blog, Catharsis !!! :)
11 Facts
1. I love green tea everything!
2. My ankles make a popping sound when I walk up the stairs.
3. I have never, ever, ever had my hair cut in a salon. My grandma or aunt comes to our house to cut my hair.
4. I have virgin hair. Most people are surprised when I tell them I didn’t have my hair colored. 
5. I am not fond of siestas.
6. I keep a diary.
7. I got to touch Alex Gaskarth’s (All Time Low vocalist and guitarist) left arm and rose tattoo on his left hand.
8. I have low tolerance for all nighters. Hahaha I start to get sleepy when the clock hits 8pm. 
9. The rain makes me sad and emo.
10. Zarry is my OTP.
11. I am trying to be a wide reader. Lol
11 Questions Answered
1. Who is your biggest musical influence? All Time Low and Fall Out Boy
2. What is your favorite movie of all time? I love Wild Child. 
3. What’s one thing you will never have too much of? I could eat chocolates (any kind) everyday for the rest of my life.
4. Do you have a favorite meal that only your mom cooks to perfection? My mom makes a killer beef steak with potatoes. 
5. Can you simplify your life goals? Be a successful doctor. :)
6. Would you rather be comfortable in one place with everything familiar and all the people you love, or would you willingly choose to keep disrupting your comfort zone? I’d definitely pick the latter. Life is all about taking risks! Plus, I’m not getting any younger. :(
7. Where/What/Who is the first place you think of when you think of “home”? My family.
8. Share any funny story about yourself. One time, my family and I went sampling at my study area (it was this hill of some sort) for my thesis and I was trying to annoy my younger sister. I tried to annoy her by Irish dancing on uneven ground. I accidentally stepped on a loose rock, slipped and fell over. I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes. 
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I’d want to live in Japan or anywhere nice in Europe.
10. Is there something that you love doing that also makes you feel good about yourself? If so, what is it? Running (used to be) is my life. I used to play Track and Field since elementary. It helps me clear my head and I feel so nice after a good run. But I had to stop lately due to some complications blablabla.. :( 
11. Why do you blog? “Writing is food for the searching soul.” -Lauren Young Plus!!! It keeps me sane. :)

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